Sep 26, 2013


Five Minute Friday Prompt:


I washed dishes 11 times today.

Yes, you read that right.

I stood at my kitchen sink 11 times and washed plastic cups and plates, metal forks and spoons, glass plates, pots and tupperware.

I fixed 13 meals today. This doesn't count the snacks I got off the top shelf.

I wiped 5 faces clean today. Those messy cheez-it grins, milk mustaches, and spaghetti-ridden lips.

As I washed those dishes for the eleventh time I listened to Bryan talk to our oldest about his Cub Scout code. They talked about honor, trust and the dangers of child abuse.

I cringed when the words were stated so blatantly. I walked over and sat on the couch as my husband asked our 8-year-old some really hard questions.

My pulse quickened at the mention of what other people do to children just like mine. I acted out a scene where I was the stranger running after my son begging him to come with me because I had candy to share.

I watched my 3 children stare back at me as I explained how to run away from  someone who could potentially take them away forever.

The everyday of washing dishes may seem boring. Wiping mouths and preparing meals can get downright tiresome and repetitive.

But tonight I thank God with every ounce of energy I have that my children are safe and I have the ability to wash their dishes, prepare their meals and clean their beautiful faces when their bellies nice and full.

That is the TRUE in my house tonight.


Linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker tonight and many other bloggers to write for five minutes with no editing involved. Won't you join us?

Five Minute Friday


  1. We're neighbors tonight! That's always a hard conversation. I'm glad you're thankful for dishes tonight. I gave up and caved to the begging to eat out.

  2. Amy @ Coffee with the Mrs.September 26, 2013 at 10:04 PM

    Those kinds of conversations are not fun to have. I know this full well. Yes. Thank God for the safety of our little ones. I'm so thankful for their beautiful faces resting on pillows and tucked into bed this evening. I'm thankful for the gift of this day with them.

  3. Sarah, I had to giggle that "married to an engineer" is what popped out at me immediately. Me too. And then I read your writing. That is a conversation that I do not look forward to having with the littlest in our house. Brave mama for going after it, though. Praise God that they are safely tucked under your wing tonight.

  4. Oh I don't look forward to helping my kids process stuff like that. Girl, I feel ya. Intense. Thanks for sharing your true. :)

  5. I have girls so I'm all too aware of the hard stuff that must be discussed. Yikes! Love this peek into your day!

  6. Such a hard lesson to teach, but oh so important. You guys are wonderful parents!! Hope you have a wonderful evening and weekend!!!

  7. I know! I am thankful for those thing but tomorrow is a whole different ball game. Staying at home with kids is not easy but so worth it. love you!!

  8. I could not have said it better Amy. Their innocence is precious and will not last forever. To protect them is one of the most important roles as a parent. Thank you for reading!!

  9. Yes, thank God my children are safe when countless others are not. Thank you for reading !

  10. It makes me sick thinking about talking to my little fella about these hard topics. Thank you for helping me to appreciate the mess too, because it means I have someone who makes it :) Have a blessed weekend. Tara.

  11. Sarah, such hard truths to teach and so gut wrenching to think about what others do to these precious children. You are a great mom; wrapping those sweet little ones in His love, kisses, hugs, and providing a safe haven for them to speak, learn, and grow freely. Keep on trucking my friend I know those batter dish washing hands get tired but you are doing great!

  12. I am just so thankful for you friend. Always. Love you and your heart.

  13. Yes Brandi, it's a broken world and YES to having the Ultimate Protector watching over us! Thank you for reading!

  14. The mess will always be there but our children may not. Thank you for reading Tara!

  15. Thank you for your encouragement Jenny! We're all have those "dish pan hands" and some days I wish I could ditch the dishes and just play. Those truths are not easy but keeping them protected means more than anything. Thank you for reading!

  16. Thank you Kimberly, you are an amazing blessing to me!

  17. Those were some of the hardest conversations I had with my kids. Even harder is when they realize that they weren't just mom's overprotective tales. When they realize through their friends or other in the world just how true your words were.

  18. Holly Solomon BarrettSeptember 27, 2013 at 1:54 PM

    I remember the hard conversations with my kids...never imagined in a million years that I would have to make a safety plan with them in case the next attack on our country affected our town. But the conversations and the preparations are important! So keep speaking the true words and God will give you strength to do it!

  19. Those are so hard... trying to balance knowledge against fear... it definitely makes you hold on a little closer and count your blessings!

  20. One of the scenarios we worked on with our boys when they were little was someone pulling up in a car and saying, "Your mom (or dad) has been hurt and is at the hospital. They sent me to get you." Boys being such protectors would have probably gone in a heart-beat. It's so sad we have to teach our children these things.
