Jul 25, 2013

It All Matters

Dear Weary Momma,

I have these moments when I believe the lie that my work at home does not matter. Three children can make plenty of mess and the food they eat is enough to nourish a small army. Meal after meal, after meal, they keep coming back for more. They never seem completely satisfied.

I can't even count how many times today I've told my son to stop sucking his thumb. It's so hard for me Mom, I can't stop. I feel for him in that second, that moment because I know what it feels like for life to be hard. I understand wanting to give up on working so hard for something that seems unattainable.

In between the cereal, the snotty noses, the cries for more TV, and the sicknesses which seem everlasting, I want to believe it doesn't matter because then I don't have to work hard to make it feel better. I can sit back and tell myself it's not important what my children eat, how I look when my husband comes home, or if the laundry has been done.

There are times when we need to let certain chores go to the side. When your children are hurting or just need a comforting squeeze telling them they are enough, lay down the dishes. Whisper the truth into their little ears and tell them what you already know: THEY MATTER.

And so do you.

You matter to the One who created you. He has given you this role of motherhood not because it is easy, but because He created you to live it out. We are raising the next generation of ladies and gentlemen and that is no easy task. God calls us Mommas to teach our children how to love others while leaning on Him for understanding.

I've tried to do this Momma job on my own and it didn't work out too well. I listened to the words of the enemy telling me I'm not cut out for mothering, for molding my children, for this life.

I know the lies are not true. I know God is bigger than anything I can imagine or live for and I know He designed me to be a mother.

And He designed you for the same purpose.

Linking up with Hope For the Weary Mom,  A Royal Daughter, and Where He Leads We Follow


  1. Great reminder, Sarah. Thanks! Visiting from Hope for the Weary Mom (and I spied this on A Royal Daughter too!). Grace and peace.

  2. Hi Cheri, thank you for visiting. Blessings to you!

  3. Lisha here...dropping in from Transformed Tuesdays. Yes Sarah! this holy work matters. lovely post. I really like your blog name. Very nice.

  4. Thanks so much for the compliments! And I agree, God is in everything!
