Jul 4, 2013

Dear Weary Mom, Are You in a Sick Cycle?

Dear Weary Mom,

Have you ever been in the "sick cycle"? I call it this because when one child gets sick it's inevitable that your other child will  get sick and then dad gets sick and then YOU get sick. The cycle is a time of sleep deprivation, grumpiness, and probably many loads of laundry.

I believe motherhood can also take us through "sick cycles". We have those days when one more thing is piled onto our plate and we feel like the table holding it all up will buckle from the pressure. You get a phone call from a friend with devastating news, the washing machine is making strange noises, a pipe burst in the basement, and your youngest child begins to run a fever, all while you are trying to get dinner on the table.

Life is messy, frustrating, demanding, and tiring. Moms sometimes forget how God created us to be the nurturers of our families, to be the keeper of the keys, and the ones who remain steadfast.

God created our hearts to crave Him and when we feel overwhelmed, He should be our first source we go to for strength. He does not create us to face the realities of this world alone, we are to call on Him, shout for help, and He will come.

He always does.

I don't know what specific needs you have but if you are a mother I feel pretty confident that you are trying to do the best you can for your children. We are raising the next generation of Christians in a crazy world.

Lean into the One who created you. Let Him renew your mind and give you the courage to get through whatever "cycle" is occurring in your life.

Linking up today with Hope for the Weary Mom stop by and read other letters to weary moms!


  1. I so appreciate your insight into motherhood and even though I am at the other side of taking care of all the needs for my sons, I too feel weariness.

    1. I suppose weariness is part of motherhood's beautiful mess. I'm glad you connect with the post, this is my hope for all moms! Blessings, friend!
